Windows 10 Is On The Horizon.

Microsoft finally have given a date as to when Windows 10 will finally be released. Unlike there usually fall release of a new Windows product, it will in fact be released this summer on July 29th.

I am personally excited and ready for the upgrade to happen. But I know some of you aren't quite sure, particularly the XP and Windows 7 users.

Now Microsoft have made things very easy for Windows 7 and onwards users to upgrade by cheekily slotting in an update that puts a new icon in your corner desktop tray. 

This icon opens a window so that you can reserve your copy of the upgrade when it's released. Unfortunately when you do reserve your copy it doesn't go away like you would want it to.

For the XP users though if you choose to stay on XP you are putting your computer and all its data at risk because both mainstream and security support has ended for Windows XP and is becoming outdated very quickly. If you do choose to upgrade to Windows 10 it will cost you because you are not eligible for the upgrade.
For those of you who do and are still on XP but don't want to fork out too much money for a brand spanking new copy of Windows 10, while others are getting it free, then I suggest this as a cheaper alternative.
Head over to a very popular gaming website called that sells game codes for PC, Xbox and PlayStation. They also do security and OS keys all very dirt cheap, what you want to do is search for an edition of Windows 8.1 that's you want or need for whatever purpose and buy the CD key. When I was last on there it was about £19+ for a copy of Windows 8.1. 

Then you find yourself a website that has a 8.1 .ISO and download the .ISO, install it on to your machine and input your new CD Key. not make sure the ISO is a retail version not an OEM otherwise your key from wont work unless you get the OEM key.
Once once all the set-up and updates are done reserve your copy of Windows 10 and sit back and wait for the release. All in all this should take you half a day to sort out. It's worth it to get a new OS for cheap or free, which is a rare shocker for Microsoft to do.

Now to put all the XP users minds at rest.
You all probably didn't want to upgrade to Vista when that came out because of all the negative reviews it got and to there credit they were right about Vista. It was terrible! Fact!
But if you follow Microsoft's track record since XP then the out-come for Windows 10 looks promising.

XP was a great OS everyone knows that. 

Then the dreaded Vista came along with it's mommy smothering User Access Control settings always making sure you were safe even if it was to install a known safe program with a verified certificate. even the new gadgets were a security hazard. PAIN IN THE ARSE! Microsoft quickly realised this and set to work on Windows 7 so Vista was short lived. 

Windows 7 was a dream come true, it is still one of the mostly used OS's out there, I still have it! 

Then the most hated OS came out, even more hated than Vista I think. Windows 8, they created this OS with a blatant disregard for all the keyboard and mouse lovers. Granted touch screen was becoming a widely used and huge thing at the time, so I understand why they decided to make an OS for touch screens but they completely buggered up the touch screen to mouse/keyboard ratio on that one. And no bloody Start Menu and the button in the charms bar gave you the impression they just moved it only to discover it took you to that dreadful Tiles screen.

To add injury to insult they decided to release 8.1 which offered the return of the Start Menu which everyone missed so much and to everyone's dismay it wasn't what we wanted, the Start Menu for starters did not return 'Sad Face'.

So the idea for Windows 10 is born, the return of the Start Menu 'thank god' and the tile screen has been made a secondary thing instead of being right in your face from installation. The balance between touch screen functionality and mouse and keyboard has be resolved and a ton more features have been added to make Windows 10 a nice blend between the good OS's we know like XP and 7 and the badly designed Windows 8/8.1 leaving 8 the shortest lived OS in computing history.

So what we have is that through Microsoft's history since XP they have alternated good and bad with OS development, with that logic then Windows 10 should be a good OS that improves upon all of Windows 8's failures.

Hopefully this has at least help you to consider the transition to Windows 10, it does require learning a new OS but isn't that part of the fun of something new.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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