So you want to upgrade your pre-built Desktop PC, but dont know where to start.

Do you have a slightly older pc you haven't used for a while that is just gathering dust? Did you think to your self does it still work? And are you looking for a project that you'll learn something new from?

Over the next coming weeks I hope to provide my readers with a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade your machine and breath new life and purpose into it.

Some people find opening up there case a daunting prospect, where they may break or blow up something inside, and while this can be true - when not using the right precautions - it isn't as daunting as you might think.

This week we will take a look at the reasons why you might want to upgrade your old dusty machine, instead of just throwing it away and buying a new PC, when the one you already have can do so much more with a bit of upgrading and simple maintenance. 
I will go over a number of individual components week by week, how to install them and why they are necessary for the type of set-up you are looking to use your pc for.

It is true that buying a brand new PC, that does what you want straight from the box is easier. But why spend hundreds of pounds on a new machine, when all you might need to do is upgrade your RAM, Hard Drive or CPU, etc. One component could mean the difference between spending or saving hundreds of pounds.
"But I don't know how to change the components", "buying a new PC is in fact easier" I hear you say.
Yes and yes, like I said before buying a new PC is easier and you may not know how to change a component, but I aim in these articles to build your confidence with such things and shake the fear of opening your Machines case and finally taking the plunge to delve into your machine and fiddle with stuff.

Your existing machine already has most of the basic components you may need for the purpose you intend it for, such as a basic computer for writing and storing documents, or you may want to turn your PC into a home theatre for storing films and music on, to use with a nice big flat screen tv or you might want to create a small home network but use your old computer as a server for data storage that can be shared around your house and you might just want to play games on it. All of which are possible with upgrades and can be more cost effective.

Gaming Rig

During these weeks I hope to teach you how to install, upgrade and then maintain your PC.

We will be lookat the PSU(Power Supply Unit), Motherboard(Mobo), CPU(Central Processing Unit) and aftermarket cooling and there types, Memory(RAM), Hard drives and Solid State Drives and possible configurations, GPU(Graphics Processing Unit A.K.A Graphics card), the Operating system(OS) and maintenance programs and then we will top it off with Peripherals such as mouse, keyboards, headsets for gamers or skypers and monitors and any additional hardware.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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